Check-In and Check-Out
Check-In is 4:00 pm on the day of arrival
Check-Out 10:00 on the day of departure
Scheduled early arrivals (14 days notice) is $350 per hour or part of hour plus 12% tax.
Unscheduled early arrivals (14 days notice) is $500 per hour or part of hour plus 12% tax.
Concierge & Damage Accounts
On check-in the host request the details of a Visa or MasterCard Credit Card from the principal client named on the booking and supporting passport.
We try to identify any damage as part of check-out and provide an email documenting any issues within a week of departure.
Samsara Arrival
Please confirm if you would like Ground transport booked - contact
We are delighted to offer welcome cocktails party and nibbles provided by the hostess 4pm – 5pm on day of arival.
Drinks served Samsara Rum Punch, Fruit Punch. For direct bookings welcome buffet includes chips, guacamole, chicken strippers with sauce for the children and some sweet treats including home-baked banana bread. Please confirm whether you prefer your buffet before or after the tour.
Your host will offer a tour of the villa when you have enjoyed your first rum punch. We like to provide a re-fill for the walk around. We have a detailed virtual tour if you would like to assign suites pre-arrival. Just clearly label luggage with a suite name to have it delivered ready for your arrival.
If you are hosting a party and would like a welcome message on the e-guide please send it to us no less than 14 days before arrival.
Au Revoir but not Goodbye
Good friends never say Goodbye.
We simply say see you soon!
Check-out time is 10:00 am unless late booking confirmed
Please keep us in touch with your plans and updates - we would be thrilled if you could share a few Samsara magic moments with us.
Hostess arrives 9:30am for Villa walk around - please show her any damage or issues to report. Please do take photos as well.
Samsara Team serves Au Revoir Cocktail 9:30am around pool. Mai Tai – Tahitian for Excellence – Perfect Caribbean Beach Vacation
Departure Photograph 10:00am
We are all looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
Please confirm if you would like Ground transport booked - contact
60 days cancellation required for all services
14 days notice of Early Arrival or Late Departure requests
12% tourist tax is added by the government to all services or concierge account amounts